Minor forest produce are the non- timber products of the forests like lac, rubber, gum, bamboo, medicines, etc. NTEPs holds great promise for revitalizing rural economy but this potential option is neglected very much in India. Non- timber forestry products could be of great importance to the rural people as well as the Panchayats as these products can be used as an employment opportunity or a medium to earn money. The products like bamboo, could be used as building material or for basket making, furniture making, walking sticks etc. which can earn name and money to the panchayat if they sell it on large scale. The products like lac, medicines and rubber, gum etc. can also be sold to earn money. Only the need is, of an approach for management of these products for the socio- economic development of rural masses as well as the biodiversity conservation. Panchayats can play a very vital role in conserving and exploiting these non- timber forest products. Panchayats can help conserving the forest by forming groups of individuals which will directly conserve the non timber forests and its products. Panchayats can also help the local people to identify the non timber forest products available in their area and their uses and techniques to exploit these products. For this purpose Panchayats can organize workshops and training programmes. Panchayats can implement schemes to increase the forest cover through joint forest management and social forestry schemes. Panchayats can help rural people by marketing of NTFPs and the products made from them. This will help in socio- economic development of the area and will reduce the problem of unemployment of the area.

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